Put A Bonnet Onnit!

Put A Bonnet Onnit!

Tullie and Queer Cumbria invite you to a relaxed celebration of Spring Equinox and brighter days ahead. Make a crazy fabulous bonnet with Marisa Crane and have your portrait taken by Casey Orr in her mobile photo studio (extra historic costume provided)! Help them create a beautiful queer alter for Ostara and take some time to relax in the Tullie gardens with some folk music, sketching, and delicious treats.

Share the Festivities

1pm-4pm – Drop-in style in the Tullie function room (via gardens). 4pm-5pm – Gathering in the Tullie gardens for more music and picnic. This is a free event for everyone at Tullie in Carlisle.

How To Find Us

Tullie Castle Street Carlisle Cumbria CA3 8TP


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