Fall in Love With Cumbria’s Capital

A great warm northern welcome to Carlisle

In the heart of the North of England, Carlisle lies steeped in history, culture, and northern charm. Surrounded by stunning landscapes, a stay in Cumbria’s capital gives you the best of city adventures with the benefit of natural beauty on your doorstep. Carlisle is a distinctive blend of contemporary and traditional. With a growing arts scene and new bars and restaurants popping up all the time, the beautiful historic buildings and time honoured businesses are a solid backdrop to the newness emerging in the city.

Explore the best of Carlisle

A dynamic mix of history, natural beauty, and modern amenities, Carlisle is a savvy choice for anyone wanting a city break with benefits.

What's on in your area

Whether you’re looking for events, attractions, accommodation or places to eat and drink, you’ll find everything you need to enjoy your time in Carlisle and the surrounding areas.




From £9

History, nature and culture await

In the city, you can enjoy the iconic Carlisle Castle, a 900 year old medieval fortress, plus Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, where you can discover the city’s Roman heritage, and its role as a key hub along Hadrian’s Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Carlisle Cathedral is another visitor favourite, with its lovely stained glass and intricate medieval carvings


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